Page Builder
Page Builder is the main feature of our theme which help you easily manage content and layout. You’ll see page builder when you create page/post/portfolio/personnel post type.
There’re 2 main types of item in page builder.
- Wrapper item : is an item which can accept another item inside it. Wrapper item divided in to 3 types
- Background Wrapper : can accept column and element item inside it
- Sidebar Wrapper : is simiar to “Background Wrapper” item, but you can assign the sidebar widget to this item.
- Column Wrapper : is the item that divide each row in to section. You can drag a element item inside it.
- Element item : is an item that has individual feature. Currently, there’re over 40 items in our page builder and we’ll continue to add more items on future updates.
Below is an explanation of the feature of the page builder.
Add Page Builder To Other Post Type
You can add the function below in functions.php file in child theme to add page builder in new post type.
// add page builder to custom post type
if( is_admin() ){ add_filter('gdlr_core_page_builder_post_type', 'gdlr_core_custom_add_page_builder'); }
if( !function_exists('gdlr_core_custom_add_page_builder') ){
function gdlr_core_custom_add_page_builder( $post_type ){
$post_type[] = 'custom';
return $post_type;
Please change all the custom to the post type name, Eg: product or event, ect.
Add ID/Class To Page Builder
You can use id and class to write specific css/js for specific area in page builder.