Tour Master – Remove Billing Details

The customer will not receive the invoice when you remove the billing details, please note that.

In this file: /wp-content/plugins/tourmaster/include/payment-util.php

Please search for the billing address and remove the code below to remove the billing details when booking a tour.

Part one:

// billing address
$ret .= '<div class="tourmaster-payment-billing-wrap tourmaster-form-field tourmaster-with-border">';
$ret .= '<h3 class="tourmaster-payment-billing-title"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i>';
$ret .= esc_html__('Billing Details', 'tourmaster');
$ret .= '</h3>';
$ret .= '<div class="tourmaster-payment-billing-copy-wrap"><label>';
$ret .= '<input type="checkbox" class="tourmaster-payment-billing-copy" id="tourmaster-payment-billing-copy">';
$ret .= '<span class="tourmaster-payment-billing-copy-text">' . esc_html__('The same as contact details', 'tourmaster') . '</span>';
$ret .= '</label></div>'; // tourmaster-payment-billing-copy-wrap
foreach( $contact_fields as $field_slug => $contact_field ){
    $contact_field['echo'] = false;
    $contact_field['slug'] = 'billing_' . $field_slug;
    $contact_field['data'] = array(
        'slug' => 'contact-detail',
        'value' => $field_slug
    $value = empty($booking_detail['billing_' . $field_slug])? '': $booking_detail['billing_' . $field_slug];
     $ret .= tourmaster_get_form_field($contact_field, 'billing', $value);
$ret .= '</div>'; // tourmaster-payment-billing-wrap

Part two:

// billing detail
$ret .= '<div class="tourmaster-payment-detail-wrap tourmaster-payment-billing-detail tourmaster-item-pdlr">';
$ret .= '<h3 class="tourmaster-payment-detail-title"><i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i>';
$ret .= esc_html__('Billing Details', 'tourmaster');
$ret .= '</h3>';
foreach( $contact_fields as $slug => $contact_field ){
    $ret .= '<div class="tourmaster-payment-detail">';
    $ret .= '<span class="tourmaster-head">' . $contact_field['title'] . ' :</span>';
    $ret .= '<span class="tourmaster-tail">' . (empty($booking_detail['billing_' . $slug])? '-': $booking_detail['billing_' . $slug]) . '</span>';
    $ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= '</div>'; // tourmaster-payment-detail-wrap